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Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP), is the brain child of Dr. Charles T. Krebs. In collaboration with clinical psychologists, speech pathologists, neurologists and other health professionals, Dr. Krebs has spent 25 years developing a comprehensive approach to assessing and correcting most learning challenges including dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and many difficulties with reading, spelling and mathematics. This technique is being taught at colleges and universities in Australia and Europe and more than 500 practitioners currently employ all or some part of the technique in educational and health settings in Asia, Europe and North America
Dr Charles T Krebs
Founder of LEAP Kinesiology
Balances Brain Pathways
Neurological conditions that affect learning are becoming increasingly widespread. Such conditions include:
- A wide variety of learning challenges related to reading, writing and spelling
- Dyslexia
- Sensory Integration problems
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Central Auditory Processing Problem (CAPP) or Disorder (CAPD)
- Vision and visual perception problems
- Cognition and memory problems
- Closed Head Injuries (e.g. resulting from concussion, etc.)
- Stroke and brain injury
These neurological conditions normally result from or involve imbalances in brain the function. LEAP is particularly well suited to address these imbalances by re-establishing and maintaining the precise synchrony of the brain and aiming the reach the balance again. Brain synchrony is the basis for…
- Learning and effectively processing information
- Making appropriate and timely decisions
- Regulating emotions in stressful circumstances

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Healing Partner Ltd© 2019-2020